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The Growing Discontent

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+32 more 
posted on May, 3 2009 @ 05:43 PM
Throughout America there is a growing populist undercurrent of discontent; a largely subconscious feeling that, as I have said before, ‘Something This Way Wicked Comes’. From self-styled liberal Democrats, who with self-congratulatory pride claim the title of ‘progressive’ (without any real idea of what the term really means), to Bible and gun totting former flag waving Republican conservatives, there is a growing knowledge that all is not well with either political party. This burgeoning feeling of disenfranchisement within the current two party system and upset with what is obviously a ‘Pravda’ style news coverage of the apparent fascist takeover of the American economy, the growing discontent is feeding a ground swell of populist anger.

What is not realized by the Obama Nation Press Corps is that their insults and degrading coverage of the Tea Party protest is merely feeding the momentum towards outright revolution. The attempt to marginalize by insulting the intelligence and motives of the protest participants, even resulting to insulting by childish sexual references, is solidifying the anger and motivation to protest ‘by other means’ with the formally silent vast majority of Americans.

Admittedly many of the protesters distrust Fox News coverage as self serving in the attempt to hijack the protest as a platform for the Republican Party; the very party that protesters blame the most for the current statist power grab of the private sector through bailouts and government entitlement program increases; as one protester put it, “We expect this from the Democrats, but we were betrayed by the Republicans”. However, the derision heaped upon any Republican establishment speakers at the protest and angry defections from the Republican Party are clear indication of the validity of the stated refusal to allow any such hijacking of the movement; as one commenter observed on the Glenn Beck show, Fox is as bad as all the others in pointing to a ‘Party’ as a solution instead of a return to Constitutional governance.

What is not being noted by any news source is the quiet growing membership of the Militia Movement across the nation. According to several leaders of state militias, people of all walks of life are showing interest in militia membership. After the disastrous effort by the media and so called experts like the Southern Poverty Law Center to paint the militia movement as racist and domestic terrorist during the mid nineties, the movement had fallen into distrust and public ridicule; the current statist power grab has turned this around and brought new life and new purpose to the movement. Indeed, one leader pointed out that what all members of the militia had warned about is now happening exactly as they had warned; with tongue in cheek added, “saying ‘I told you so’ is sweet.” The current weapons and ammunition-buying spree is indication that the vast majority of Americans agree.

The problem that all of us, who were formally a part of the vast silent but now awake majority, face is not allowing emotions to override reason. We must not be provoked into any action that would allow the Tea Party Protest movement to be marginalized through crass generalizations; we must work to remain united by refusing any party affiliation to remove our Constitutional focus and we must not allow any provocation to a premature rush to arms as a pretence to violence, as this would doom the movement. Therefore, foremost in the planning of any further Tea Party Protest must be the winning of other Americans to our cause; we must appear calm, literate, constitutionally centered and non-partisan to avoid being successfully painted with propaganda of the statist media cheerleaders, both right and left.

More on the Media's Tea Party coverage:

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 05:57 PM
Sarge, I would agree that there is a lot of turmoil just under the surface.

The greatest threat as I see it is not that everyone is going to grab up a pitchfork and assault the halls of Congress.

I fear an event.

The veneer of civility and the sheet of civilization is very, very thin. It doesn't take much to peel away the veneer and for things to erupt in a state of anarchy.

We saw examples of this in riots in Liberty City, New York, LA, and smaller incidents created over the least of things.

Imagine the sudden chaos should anything untoward happen to Obama. And we will not be able to rely on the police. They will have their own families to look after.

Once the chaos starts, shortages, stoppages, and outages will be self-perpetuating, which in turn will fuel more resentment, anger, frustration, and disaster.

One little event. And things could go tits-up nation-wide.

Any other nation with any designs would immediately try to take advantage of this chaos, which in turn could lead to even more disaster.

This thing certainly feels like it's about to tip over. Everyone, bone-deep is unsettled. Waiting for the next shoe to drop.

And it won't be pretty, it won't be pleasant, and those who initially would contribute to the chaos, would in turn suffer the most for decades.

In the nineteenth century, some of the Western towns would get a bellyful of lawbreakers, and resort to vigilantism to restore order.

Anytime a government cannot protect the people in a time of anarchy, various forms of vigilantism manifest themselves in a society for the sake of self-preservation.

That too, is ugly.

But necessary.

Because in times of anarchy, the peace prophets, the pacifists, the intelligensia, and the "nice guys" are the first to fall, and do so faster than burdschitt in a downdraft.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 06:15 PM
Dooper I fear this too. I helped train, mobilize and unite several state militia during the mid to late nineties, and the level of anger and feelings of disenfranchisement is beyond anything I have experienced before. Add just one rebel rising federal plant and there could be a catastrophe. Thank God the militia membership has learned much, but it’s the ‘want to be’ Rambo’s, who for the most part were military cooks or clerks, we need to watch closely.

We who have 'been there and done that' need to remain ready to grab hold and direct what is coming, because I see no other end but Revolution; the political elite are too entrenched and power drunk with their PTB puppet masters. Yes, we can pray for a peaceful resolution, but history would seem to necessitate a different course. Thus we must stand ready to lead. The military will join us, have no fear.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

I don't fear the military.

I fear the first 30 days. I fear the destruction of our very delicate infrastructure, our power grid, our communications systems, our banking systems, our food suppliers and transporters, our fuel providers. The list goes on and on.

The crying shame is, it won't take much to destroy, intentionally or inadvertently, and a decade or more to reconstruct.

With a drastically reduced population.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 06:56 PM
I understand this, but what are our alternatives? You, I and men like us are the vanguards of the Constitution, we swore to defend it against all enemies both foreign and domestic; if we fail our nation now our children and theirs will curse us for cowards, who traded a little ‘temporary peace and security’ for the chains of slaves; they would be right in so doing. This battle will be fought sooner or later my brother, better to direct it and choose the first clear confrontation on our terms; this must be seen as a self defense revolution and not some southern style rebellion.

Understand that I do not count you a coward for your caution; only fools charge in where angels fear to tread, I merely point out that we no longer have the alternative of inaction. We either prepare for this fight or start practicing for being obedient slaves. Virginians do not kneel, as I know you do not.

More on the Tea Party Coverage: out-far-more-taxes

[edit on 5/3/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by SGTChas

I don't fear the military.

I fear the first 30 days. I fear the destruction of our very delicate infrastructure, our power grid, our communications systems, our banking systems, our food suppliers and transporters, our fuel providers. The list goes on and on.

The crying shame is, it won't take much to destroy, intentionally or inadvertently, and a decade or more to reconstruct.

With a drastically reduced population.

I agree that the first thirty days will be destructive and bloody.However we all should take stock,hold our ground,keep a defensive posture. The cities will be the flash points,it will take a few days for the ripple effect to hit the countryside.
Know your neighbors and know their capabilities,get together and defend your tails off.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 07:20 PM
Yes, community organized defense will be the most effective. However, you should discuss possible scenarios with your neighbors BEFORE things descend into regional anarchy. It will take some time for ‘friend/foe’ recognition parameters to clarify. You must have community plans as to what will you do if Katrina style door to door weapon searches take place or other NWO style Constitutional affronts arise; perhaps even forming a community reaction force.

Well thought out and planned courses of action will preclude emotional violent outburst; such must be avoided at all cost. Train and plan hard, fight easy.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 07:33 PM
Yeah, about those Virginians. Truly a stiff-backed people! They don't kneel, they don't bow. There's a lot of good, stiff-backed boys all over this country.

I never lost a single man killed, while we racked up the highest confirmed for a platoon-sized unit in country. My cautions kept everyone alive, but destructive.

I know what I swore my oath to, and I am just sick when I see how it's all been bastardized in Washington.

If things go tits up, I'll be busy right here, trying to once again, get my family and friends through the difficult first days.

The biggest alligators are always the closest alligators.

You go to the barn for a rat-killing, you take the easy shots first. Then you start digging and smoking the others out.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 07:53 PM
Not to judge, but from your responses I would judge you a tad bit younger than I. Not that this matters Dooper, but I lost all faith in my government after Iran/Contra; I could see the proverbial ‘hand writing on the wall’. This makes me sick too my brother, what we are about to go through is worse than any conflict we have ever suffered; I’m of the opinion that all the ‘alligators’ will be big and twice nasty, and almost as plentiful as the rats. You'll keep the faith.

De Oppresso Liber my brother.

+5 more 
posted on May, 3 2009 @ 07:55 PM
That was a superbly rendered, masterful and articulate entreaty that is as poignantly written as it is articulate.

You my friend have clearly demonstrated the depth of the intellects that have tired of these successive unconstitutional administrations being inflicted upon this once free, proud and great nation from both the left and the right.

Both parties have had ample opportunity during these past decades to restore the faith of intelligent and independent minded Americans keen on the rights to self determination and preserving the ideals upon which this nation was founded and previously thrived.

As John F Kennedy once spoke…what good is it to survive as a nation if our ideals and traditions do not survive along with us?

The fraudulently run and criminally maintained two party system no longer serves the people or the people’s best interest and has grown so emboldened in their larcenies and dictatorial ways that they seek to not just marginalize, not just stigmatize, but to criminalize they very right to free dissenting speech that is not just intrinsic to the democratic process of representative government but the very bedrock foundation of what such governments are built upon.

To think that these are learned men and women who display such malignant audacity and vitriol for the very principals and for the very same people who hold them dear, which are the wellspring and source of their power.

One can only hope during the dark and uncertain days ahead, as the poisoned fruit of their deceitful labors leaves such a bitter and acrid taste in the mouths of those that are still deceived by these pitiful illusions, that the spell cast over them by a complacent and dishonest media finally wanes, and no longer blinds the eyes of the good freedom yearning and all too trusting citizens of this country and that an entirely peaceful groundswell of protest can sweep these political and media charlatans from their halls of power and that a true, honest and functional representative democracy and truly free and independent press can be restored with out having to add another drop of blood to their long list of crimes.

Time will tell, and one can only hope that deep in their black hearts, if they should not heed those peaceful appeals, that they do know that it is a patriot’s and no mere rebel’s yell.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by SGTChas
Yes, community organized defense will be the most effective. However, you should discuss possible scenarios with your neighbors BEFORE things descend into regional anarchy. It will take some time for ‘friend/foe’ recognition parameters to clarify. You must have community plans as to what will you do if Katrina style door to door weapon searches take place or other NWO style Constitutional affronts arise; perhaps even forming a community reaction force.

Well thought out and planned courses of action will preclude emotional violent outburst; such must be avoided at all cost. Train and plan hard, fight easy.

Done and done Sarg. We have a fairly close knit community,all seem to be self sufficent.In a way its funny,people in my community use to avoid political conversations,to more or less keep the peace.Today is a different story all together. Everyone seems to have had their fill of a two party system that blame each other and lies to everyone.
Right now it seems that lead is the most precious metal that can be owned!

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:06 PM
We wake we rise they will fear.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

From you sir, such references to the rendering of my thread and my articulation are high complements indeed. It would appear to me your no inarticulate plebe yourself, as your well written post reverberates with the sound of the well informed enunciation.

To your addition all that can be said is amen. Is it not the clarion call of liberty that powers the pen of the patriot? Indeed, common sense and truth is revolutionary in a time of universal deceit and the lies of fascism’s social reengineering; it is in the continued publication of the truth that we will hold back the dark until our brother Americans awake. Let us boldly speak the truth into the teeth and dark of tyranny.

I fear not death, it is an old companion I have cheated more than once; what I fear however is to lay in the grave of a ‘rebel’ having shed a single drop of innocent blood. I therefore contend with all my soul for reason and honor to prevail over the violence of ignorant reaction. Let us pray our political leaders heed our demand for the return to constitutional governance.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

Yeah, there must be more angry people at these dumb demoncrats. That is why Republicans won in record landslides all over the country in the last election.

Wait a minute.....

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by evil incarnate

There are far more angry people at the Republican Party then the Democrats, as the respondent said ‘we expect these things from Democrats, but we were betrayed by the Republicans'. This is no partisan political issue, this is a struggle to restore constitutional governance; Americans all bleed red my friend.

[edit on 5/3/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:42 PM
I wouldn't be so sure you're older than me. I recall very well the Iran/Contra affair, and not ten minutes from me lives the worlds largest arms dealer at that time.

The very one who was orchestrating the arms transfers.

The most miserable of human conditions is a state of uncertainty.

And we've got uncertainty in this country, running out the ***.

The best we can all do is to prepare, anticipate, observe, and of course, keep our powder dry.

He who anticipates surprise, is never surprised.

De Oppresso Liber!

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:44 PM
What I fear about this "discontent" is that it will eventually be directed at people of color and become racially motivated: Especially with the current feeling against "illegals". Paranoia strikes deep, into your lives it will creep.
The cities will burn and the infrastructure will crumble in the ensuing "race riots"

Is this what you want? Because this will not be a return to freedom unless you consider anarchy and chaos freedom.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I really think you should not worry. I take it you live in the south maybe?
It's a whole different world in the rest of the states. Over here in California, no one wants anything to do with those racist hate groups. They are generally looked upon as idiots... and ignored. Majority rules, and the majority here in the US will not be swayed into something such as racial cleansing.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by dooper

Sad truth is that I was in the middle of Col. North's little Nam. That is where I picked up 29 pieces of Russian shrapnel and got winged – or legged, as it were. Its also where I learned that our government was capable of anything, and I mean anything. Sort of ruined my world view when those blinders came off.

I’d rather retire in the mountains and fish, but duty calls. Got your ‘6’ Dooper & picked you as a friend.
Blue skies and a green LZ!

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by whaaa

You underestimate the moral underpinning of the vast majority of Americans – after all we are a nation of immigrants; I happen to be married to a beautiful Russian new American as a matter of fact. Illegal aliens may be escorted back across the border – especially from Texas – but legal immigrants will be just fine.

The point being that a nation of laws MUST equally enforce those laws or it becomes nothing more than a banana republic. If the cities burn because we return to a nation that maintains its borders as every other nation does, then save the innocent, hang the criminals and collect the illegals to ship them back.

[edit on 5/3/2009 by SGTChas]

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